After sales
Along with new equipment we provide manuals where end-users can find operating instructions, maintenances advice and spare parts drawing and lists. Some equipment and some client may request training, in that case technical personnel from our company trains end-users onsite.
Spare parts
Easy to find, easy to get, easy to replace. We guarantee spare parts for a minimum of ten years. Our manuals have detailed spare parts drawing that will enable you to find every part you would need to replace. Contacting our post sales department and getting a price quote is as easy as picking up the telephone. We will then ship the parts wherever you want all over the world. Most of the spare parts articles are stored at our main warehouse in Spain.
Guarantee services
The relationship between either our clients or the client of our client does not end after the delivery of the goods. Our post sales department takes care that all the equipment supplied runs smoothly without problems. We are always willing and able to help you with questions or issues you have with our equipment.