The engineering department regularly updates our product designs, innovates and proposes solutions that improve life on board. Our technical department has a strong know-how of the compliance rules to be followed (SOLAS, Marpol) and the working flows and processes to consider for the design of galley, laundry and pantry areas. We can also advise you and offer the most adequate equipment according to requirements, based on the crew and the ship’s functionality.
Our engineering department produces quickly and efficiently completes CAD-drawings on both lay out spaces and individual products, including information on dimensions, electrical and water-drainage connections, foot drawings and distance to bulkheads for maintenance. On special request, we can also provide 3D- drawings to illustrate specific either equipment or furniture.
COCINAS BURAGLIA seeks that every project is successful. We ensure:
- Documents and controls for critical production processes
- Quality plans in which the whole company participates and adapt to each project
- Continuous training plans for the production personnel
- Strict controls on the sub-contracted jobs and the material suppliers
- Detailed verification of engineering designs
- Regular calibration of the measurement and control equipment
- Detailed reviews of each design and management’s concern about quality topics